National Immunization Schedule-National Immunization Schedule Nepal

Immunization is a process by which an individual becomes immunized or resistant against specific disease or infectious agents by the administration of vaccine. Currently, immunization prevents 4 millions death every year worldwide from diseases like: influenza, tetanus, measles, rubella, pertussis, diphtheria, typhoid... It is a key component of primary health care and right of human beings. Immunization Schedule of Nepal is recently revised and added new vaccine 'TCV'. National Immunization Schedule is revised & updated.National Immunization Schedule Nepal 2022 AD.


Nepal National Immunization Schedule

Vaccination schedule is a series of vaccinations including the timing of all doses which may be either recommended or compulsory.

Nepal National Immunization Schedule
National Immunization Schedule Nepal

National Immunization Schedule Nepal
Immunization Schedule

Vaccination: The term 'Vaccination' is a process of administration of vaccine through different routes.


vaccine is immuno biological substance designed to produce specific protection against a given diseases. it is prepared in the form of live, killed or inactivated, cellular fraction, toxoid and combination.

Live vaccine:

It is prepared from live organisms, and is given single dose usually except OPV which needs 3 dose. Examples: BCG, TCV, Yellow fever, measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox & influenza.

Killed or inactivated vaccine:

In this vaccines organisms are killed by heat or chemicals. Generally it is required 2-3 dose to produce active immunity and booster dose is required in most of the cases. This vaccine is usually administered by I/M or S/C route. Examples: Typhoid, cholera, pertussis, plaque, polio, influenza, Hepatitis A & B.

Toxoid vaccine:

Some organisms like: Diphtheria & tetanus bacilli produce serotoxins. There toxins are neutralized and used in the preparation of vaccine. Examples: Diphtheria & tetanus toxoids.

Cellular fraction:

Vaccine is prepared from the extracted fractional parts of organisms. Examples: meningococcal.


Combination of two or more vaccine for simply administration, to reduce cost and minimize no. of contact of patients with health system. Examples: DPT, TD, MMR, MR.

Read more... Bacterial Diseases


Ques-1: Which of the following is the target group for immunization?

 Ans: Infants, children, adolescents, and adults.

Ques-2: Who Defined immunization?

Ans: WHO defined immunization as the process whereby a person is made immune or resistant to an infectious disease, typically by the administration of a vaccine.”

Ques-3: Which vaccines are given at birth?

Ans: BCG

Ques-4: Who invented vaccines?

Ans: Edward Jenner in 1796 AD

Ques-5: Who discovered vaccine of COVID-19?

Ans: Bharat Biotech "COVAXIN™"

Ques-6: Covid-19 vaccines:

Ans: Covidshield, Verocele, Johnson, Pfizer, Astrazenica, Moderna

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