Blood Anatomy and Physiology-Function of Blood-Properties of Blood Physiology

In this article you will  know about Blood Anatomy and Physiology in simple words, if you want to know more about Blood Anatomy read this... 

Blood is continuously circulating fluids of body providing nutrition, oxygen and waste removal. Blood is fluid connective tissue with numerous cells and protein suspended in it making blood "thicker" than water. The average amount of blood in human body is about 5-6 liters (7-8 % of total body weight). The study of blood and its diseases condition is called Hematology.

blood anatomy and physiology

Properties of Blood Physiology

  1. Volume: 5.04 liters

  2. PH: 7.35-7.45

  3. Specific gravity: 1.052-1.060

  4. Temperature: 36-38°©

  5. Oncotic pressure: 25 mm of Hg

  6. Viscosity: 3.5-5.5 times more than water

  7. Colour: Red due to hemoglobin

Function of blood

1. Transportation

Transport O2 from lungs to body tissue and CO2 from body tissue to lungs.
The removal of waste material from the body tissue to kidney, liver, sweat glands.
Circulation of hormones, enzymes and other chemicals throughout the body.

2. Regulation (Homeostasis)

Maintain body temperature
Distribution of heat throughout the body.

3. Protection

Protect body against microorganisms by WBCs, Protein & antibodies.
Immune system development by plasma cells.

Composition of blood or Structure of Blood

Blood is composed of Plasma and 3 types of blood cells. Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets. The various kinds of blood cells and plasma have various functions.


Plasma is light yellow liquid when separated it from blood. It is the largest part of blood makes up more than half about 55 % of its overall content. plasma carries water, salts & enzymes. Plasma contains 92 % of water and remaining 8 % are protein, immunoglobulin & electrolyte.

Proteins are major two: 1. Albumin, is vital for maintaining fluid balance in the blood called onchotic pressure (Normal is 26-28 mm Hg). 2. Fibrinogen, helps in the blood clotting process.

Immunoglobulin, or gama globulin protect the body against infection. It provides the immunity.

Electrolyte, it conduct the electricity when dissolved in water, hence these are also called common electrolytes including sodium, potassium, magnesium & calcium. These deficiency results arrithmia, muscle weakness or fatigue, seizures like symptoms.

Red blood cells (RBCs)

Red blood cell is red because of hemoglobin which is protein inside the RBC. Red blood cells are formed in the bone marrow and lives about 120 days then die or destroyed in spleen. The main function of RBCs (Hemoglobin) is to deliver oxygen from lungs to tissue and carbon dioxide from tissues to lungs. Red blood cells are also known as Erythrocytes. RBC is a disc-shaped cell with a thick rim and a thin sunken centre. 1 Hb carries 4 molecules of oxygen and 1 gm Hb carries 1.34 ml of oxygen.

blood anatomy and physiology

White blood cells (WBCs)

WBCs are also known as Leucocytes. They purify & protect the body against infections. When infection is detected in body, WBCs move in to fight it. WBCs can be further divided into Granulocytes & Agranulocytes.

blood anatomy and physiology

Granulocytes consists of

Neutrophils helps in the protection of body from infection by killing bacteria and fungus.

Eosinophil identify and destroy the parasites, cancer cells and responsive against allergic conditions.

Basophil protect body by producing allergy like: coughing, sneezing.

Agranulocytes consists of

Lymphocyte consists of T-cell or Natural cell and B cells. These are also called plasma cells. It produce Antibodies to protect body against viral infections. It is smallest WBC cells.

Monocytes clean and digest the damaged cells, so it is also called microphage of WBC. This is the largest WBC cells.


Also known as thrombocyte. Platelets help the blood in blood clotting process or coagulation from leaking blood from blood vessels.

blood anatomy and physiology
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Types of blood vessels

  1. Arteries

  2. Veins

  3. Capillaries


Arteries are strong tubes and have a muscular characteristic. These type of blood vessels carry oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the all tissues of your body. Aorta is the one of the main arteries that arise from heart & further divided into further branches.

blood anatomy and physiology
Structure of artery


Veins are elastic blood vessels that bring deoxygenated blood from all tissues of the body to the heart (except umbilical and pulmonary veins). The pulmonary vein brings oxygenated blood to the heart from the lungs and the umbilical vein brings oxygenated blood from the placenta to the fetus.

blood anatomy and physiology
Vein structure


 Arteries are divided many times and becomes extremely thin tubes called capillaries. Capillaries ensure the exchange of substances or gases between blood and tissues.

blood anatomy and physiology
Types of blood vessels

 These are a special type of wider capillaries which is present in the bone marrow, liver, lymph nodes, spleen, and some endocrine glands. These can be continuous, discontinuous or fenestrated.

Layers of blood vessels

Both arteries and veins are made of three layers.

1. Tunica Intima: This is one of the innermost and thinnest layers of arteries and veins. It Contains endothelial cells and have direct contact with the blood stream.

2. Tunica Media: It is the middle layer of an artery or vein, and it is made up of smooth muscle cells.

3. Tunica Externa: It Surrounds the tunica media. It is made up of collagen fibers and is also supported by elastic lamina in the arteries.

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