Lymphatic filariasis?How to contol Filariasis?

How to contol Filariasis.Elephantiasis is caused by.lymphatic filariasis symptoms.

History of filariasis:

Lymphatic Filariasis / Elephantiasis is a major public health problem world widely, It is estimated that about 60 millions people are infected and about 31 millions people have clinical menifestations of Filariasis in the South East Asia region. In 1863 AD Demarquay in Paris found microfilarie in hydrocele of a cuban. In 1866 AD: Wecherer found microfilarie in chyluria. 1872 AD: Lewis found in blood. 1877 AD: Bancroft found adult female worm in the lymph node ulcer, and Manson found microfilarial worm nocturnal periodicityin 1879 AD.


Lymphatic filariasis is mosquito disease caused by the bite of infected mosquito. it is an infectious tropical disease and covers infection with three closely related nematode worms: Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, Brugia timori. Among these 3 worms, Wuchereria bancrofti is most common approx 90%. The filarial worms reside in lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes.

Epidemiology of lymphatic filariasis:

The incubation period after the bites of infected female culex mosquito (Vector) is 8-16 months. The infective form of filarial worm for man is 3rd stage of microfilari form larva. filariasis is not fatal although it is responsible for considerable suffering, deformity and disability. Filariasis is mostly affects the legs because legs is mostly dependent part of the body.

Lymphatic Filariasis

What are the manifestations of Filariasis ?

  1. Headache, Nausea, vomiting, Abdomen pain

  2. Urticaria, Itching, Fugitive swelling

  3. Lymphangitis: Inflammation of lymph vessels

  4. Lymphoadenitis: Inflammation of lymph nodes

  5. Lymphoedema: Swelling of lymph nodes

  6. Lymphagiovarix: Dilatation of lymph vessels

  7. Lymphorragea: Rupture of lymph vessels

  8. Chyruria: Milky white urine


How to diagnose filariasis in the laboratory ?

Blood sample

  • The best method of diagnosis to confirm filariasis is Microscopic examination: Thick smear.
  • DEC provocation test: The sample should be collected after the Diethyl carbamazine 2 mg/kg medication, it helps to make the microfilarial form larva active in peripheral blood circulation. The best time for sample collection is 10 PM to 2 AM
  • Membrane filter concentration test: It is most sensitive test to detect the microfilarie.
    Lab diagnosis


what is the best treatment for filariasis ?


Filariasis can be treated by Diethyl carbamazine (DEC) 2 mg/kg body weight thrice a day or 6 mg/kg once a  day for 12 days. And Tab Albendazole 400 mg once a day for 12 days.
Treatment guidelines of Nepal for Lymphatic filariasis:
Albendazole+Ivermectin /

Complications of lymphatic filariasis: 

The complications of lymphatic filariasis are Hydrocele and Elephantiasis.

Hydrocele: Collection of abnormal fluid in Tunica veginalis of Testes 

Elephantiasis: It is a condition characterized by the gross inlargement of the limbs. It is mainly due to the excess accumulation of lymphatic fluid in the affected area i.e. limbs. This is permanent condition and cannot be treated.



Elimination of lymphatic filariasis:

It is possible if following objectives should be achieved:

  1. To eliminate the filariasis following objectives should be achieved:

  2. To interrupt the transmission of Filariasis.

  3. To reduce & prevent the morbidity.

  4. To provide deworming to children.

  5. To reduce the vector by suitable available integrated vector management (IVM).

Prevention and control of lymphatic filariasis / How to contol Filariasis:

 The best ways for the prevention of Lymphatic filariasis is to prevent from the bites of mosquitoes, It should be done by using measures suvh as; Insecticidal treated bed net, Indoor residual spraying and personal protection measures. Mass drug administration (MDA) with  Albendazole+Ivermectin / DEC as per goverment guidelines.

Mosquito control

Anti mosquito bed net

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