What is the cause of mumps? how is mumps treated?

Mumps / Hade

Mumps / Hade


Mumps is an acute viral unilateral or bilateral infection of saliva producing gland that are located near our ears.

It is caused by mumps viruses, which belongs to a family of paramyxoviruses. These are common source of infection in children.

Mumps virus mostly affects parotid glands.

Structure of mumps virus


Period of communicability: 4-6 days before symptoms to 1 week after symptoms appearance 

Secondary attack rate (SAR): 86 %

Common age group: 5-15 years  (most common in 5-9 years of children)


  1. No second infection
  2. 1st attack to life long immunity

Incubation period: 2-3 weeks

Clinical features: 

30-40 % cases are subclinical

mumps menifestation


  1. Prodromal symptoms

  2. Fever, Headache, Tiredness 

  3. Malaise

  4. Anorexia

  5. Dysphagia

  6. Drooling of saliva

Drooling of saliva

Mumps parotitis:

Swelling of parotid glands (Mumps) for 3 to 5 days & which resolves over 1 to 2 weeks


The complications of Mumps are:

  1. Most common complication in children is Aseptic meningitis

  2. Orchitis & Oophoritis are more common complications in adult male & female

  3. The leading cause of pancreatitis in children is Mumps but in adults are Gall stones & Alcohol

Mumps complications


  1. Mumps is viral disease, so it can be managed by supportive and symptomatic

  2. Analgesic

  3. Antipyretic

  4. Warm compression and drink plenty of fluids

  5. Bella dona plaster (Placebo-psychological treatment) 

    Mumps treatment at home


Prevention of mumps:

  1. Proper hand washing

  2. Cover mouth-nose with handkerchief or use of mask while coughing and sneezing

  3. Home isolation if you are sick

  4. Don't share your used utensils

  5. Be up to date on your MMR vaccine

    Mumps or MMR vaccination

    Protection against mumps

To know much more about mumps I recomend to see this video:


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