Diphtheria Review

 # What is Diphtheria ?

It is an acute infection of respiratory tract caused by Gram positive Corynebacterium diphtheriae. The most common age group is 1-5 year's child.

# Mode of transmissions:

Diphtheria is transmitted through direct contact & droplet infection of Case or Carrier`s Nasopharyngeal secretions skin discharge and fomite.

# Respiratory Diphtheria/Diptheria type:

  1. Nasal diphtheria (most dangerous)
  1. Pharyngeal or Faucial (most common)
  1. Laryngotracheal diphtheria

# Signs & Symptoms of Diphtheria:

  1. Sore throat
    Bull Neck

  1. Nasal discharge
  1. Dysphagia
  1. Muffled voice
  1. Hoarse voice
  1. Stridor or Noisy breathing

  1. Bull neck appearance
  1. Pseudomembranes

# Management of Diphtheria:


A. Diagnosis

  • Shick test
  • Haemagglutinin test
  • culture of pseudomembranes (throat swab)

Corynebacterium Diphtheriae

A. Treatments

  • Early diagnosis & Treatment and Isolation
  • Diphtherial antitoxins
  • Antibiotics: Penicillin or Erythromycin
  • Vaccination: DPT



# Complications in Diphtheria:

  1. Asphaxia (cause of death)
  1. Pneumonia
  1. Adrenal haemorrhage (typical complication)
  1. Myocarditis  & Neuropathy (Most common and serious complication)

Pseudomembrane on Tonsil

# Extra on Diphtheria:

• IP : 2-6days

• Period of infectivity: 14-28days(Dz onset)

• 95% carrier & 5% case in Diphtheria

• More dangerous-Nasal carrier

• Most severe-Laryngeal Diphtheria

• Efficacy of DPT vaccine is 70%

• Dpt vaccine coverage 70%

• Vaccine not affects carrier state

• Hospital isolation is 14 days

• Carrier is treated by only Erythromycin

• Diagnostic feature of Diphtheria is 'wash-leather' elevated greyish-green membrane on the tonsils

# To know more about Diphtheria watch this video

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