How is polio virus caused. What is poliomyelitis

 # Poliomyelitis:

It is an acute viral infection caused by Polio virus (RNA). polio viruses are primarily affects GI Tract and also affect CNS in small amounts. Poliomyelitis is a disease of Nervous system. Poliomyelitis is more likely to seen in Rainy season.

# Poliomyelitis is caused by:

Polio Virus

Polio virus (RNA): 3-serotypes

1. P1-Most common cause of outbreak

2. P2-Wind strain (Eradicated in 1958)

3. P3-Eradicated (24th Oct 2019)

✓ Polio virus survive in water-4 month

✓ Polio virus survive in faeces-6 month

✓ Man is only reservoir, there is no chronic carrier seen in Poliomyelitis

✓ Child (6 months-3 years) are more susceptible than adults.

✓ World Polio Day : 24th October

Polio Day

# How is Polio spreads ?

It is transmitted through Faeces & Oropharygeneral secretions of Clinical & Sub clinical cases (Feco-oral route and Droplet infection). The incubation period is 7-14 days

Period of communicability is 7-10 days before & after Symptoms.

# Risk factors:

  • Trauma
  • Fatigue
  • Tonsilectomy
  • Intramuscular injection

# Clinical features of Poliomyelitis:

A. Sub clinical infection (91-96%)

  • No apparent sings & symptoms

B. Abortive polio (4-8%)

  • Fever, malaise, sore throat, anorexia
  • Resolves in 3 days (Self limiting)

C. Non paralytic polio (approx 1%)

  • Headache/Nausea
  • Pain & stiffness back and legs
  • Neck regidity
  • CSF analysis: Raised lymphocytes
  • Tripod sign positive
    Tripod Sign

D. Paralytic Poliomyelitis due to type 1

  • Fever
  • Paralysis: Acute flaccid unilateral decending legs
  • Bulbar paralysis: Dysphagia & drooling of saliva
  • Respiratory paralysis
  • Vaccine associated paralysis-P3 (rarely)

# Diagnosis of Poliomyelitis:

  •  Stool examination (Recommend)
  •  CSF Examination
  • Throat Examination
  • Blood Examination

# Prevention & Management:

  • No specific treatment of poliomyelitis
  • Complete rest and good nursing care
  • Physiotherapy
  • Orthopedic surgery (Rehabilitation)
  • Immunization: killed and live (OPV or IPV)

# Watch this video for more info on polio:

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