What is Measles or Rubeola.How is measles treated

# MEASLES or Rubeola

# Summary on Measles :

∆ Acute highly infectious disease of child
∆ Exanthematous fever (rash+fever)
∆ 4th day rash fever
∆ 3 'C' Disease
∆ Only case, no carriers
∆ Koplik's spots-pathognomic sign

# What is Measles(Rubeola) ?

 Measles is an acute extremely infectious
  disease of childhood.Which is generally 
  seen in the winter and spring. It's
  spread from one to another child 
  through direct contact with Naso 
  pharyngeal secretions.

 It's common age group is 6 months-3   year.
 Causetive agent is RNA Paramixovirus.

# Clinical features of Measles:

A. Prodromal stage: 10th-14th days

  • Cough, coryza, conjunctivitis (3C)
  • Diarrhoea,vomiting,fever,photobhobi
  •Koplik's spots:White small sand/grain 
    like structure appear on the buccal 
    mucosa opposite to lower 2nd molar.

B. Eruptive stage:

Maculo-papular rash

  • Appearance of erythematous
    maculo papular rash (Centrifugal rash)
  • 1st appearance behind the ear
  • Ear-Face-Hand & neck-Extremities
  • Involves palms & soles both
  • Rash disappears after 4 days

C. Post measles stage:

  • Weight loss
  • Severe weakness
  • Chance of infections like:TB,Diarrhoe

# Complication of Measles: 

  a). Most common: Diarrhoea
  b). Most common in child:Otitis media
  c). Most common in adult: Pneumonia
  d). Sinusitis, Mastoiditis
  e). Sub acute sclerosis pan encephalitis
  f). Vit.A deficiency (keratomalacia)

# Managements of Measles:

    It includes two steps:

A. Measles is Diagnosed by -

  • IgM antibodies detection:3 days after
     rash to 1 month
  • Measles is diagnosed by it's features

B. Measles is Treated by -

  • Symptomatic and Supportive
  • Isolation
  • Vitamin A supplementation 2 doses
    0-6 M-- 50000 IU
    6-12 M--100000 IU
  • Vaccination - live attenuated vaccine
     given at 9 months subcutaneously 
  • Measles is best prevented by getting

# Extra facts on Measles virus:

∆ IP of Measles is 10-14 days
∆ IP of Vaccine induced measles is 7 days
∆ Secondary attck rate of measles is 80%
∆ Measles is amenable to eradication.
∆ Measles virus cannot survive outside 
    human body.
∆ Period of communicability: 4 days
   befire & 5 days after rash appearance.
∆ Vit.A deficiency is common in measles.
∆ Measles vaccine is freeze dried
    lyophilized vaccine,reconstituted in
    sterile diluents.
∆ Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is the
    preventable adverse effect of vaccine.
∆ Spontaneous abortion & premature
    birth is associated with measles in
∆ Immunity develops 11-12 days after 
    vaccination (99% protection)
∆ Vaccine is contraindicated in
∆ Duration of protection lifelong.
∆ WHO measles elimination strategy:
    catchup.keep up.follow up
∆ Measles shows a cyclical trend in every
    2-3 years

# Watch this video to know

   more about measles/Rubeola

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