How is Malaria treated Management of malaria

# Introduction of Malaria :


In 1880, French Army Physician 'Charles Laveran' discovered Malaria parasites.
In 1897, Sir Ronald Ross discovered the oocyst stage of plasmodium in female anopheles mosquito.He got Novel  Prize for his work on malaria.

World Malaria day celebrated on 25 April.


Malaria is a Protozoal disease caused by infection with parasite of the genus plasmodium. Sporozoite is the infective stage of plasmodium for man and Gametocyte for mosquito. Malaria vector is Mosquito. It is of two types: Benign and Malignant malaria.

Benign malaria: P. vivax, P. malariae, P. ovale

Malignant malaria: P. falciparum


# Causative agent:

·       Malaria is caused by P. vivax, P. falciparum, P.ovale, P. malariae and P. knowlesi.

·  P. vivax is most common in Nepal as well as world

# Mode of transmissions:

Transmitted from By the bite of infected female anopheles mosquito

• Infected blood transfusion


# Incubation period:

1 .      P. vivax…8-17(14)days

2 .    P. ovale…16-18(17)days

3 .    P. falciparum…9-12(12)days

4 .    P. malariae…18-40(28)days

# Signs and symptoms:

The clinical features of malaria is study under 3 stages:

1  • Cold stage: The patient has fever,            headache, shivering and lasting for

       30 minutes

2  • Hot stage: High grade fever(39-41 C),      severe headache, lasting for 2-6 hours

     • Sweating stage: Profuse sweating,          patients feel comfortable and lasting      for 2-4 hours.

Others: Anemia, splenomegaly

The febrile paroxysms (fever pattern) is intermittent repeat every 3rd or 4th day according to the species of parasites.

v     P. vivax, P. ovale, P. falciparum - on 3rd day(48 hours)

v     P. malariae – on 4th day(72 hours)

# Diagnosis:

·       Microscopy (High Sensitive Method)

 • Thick film- identifying parasites

 • Thin film- identifying parasite species

 • Rapid diagnostic test (RDT) 

 • Serological test (Best

     epidemiological studies)

• Quantitative Buffy Coat (QBC)

# Plasmodium life cycle in Man:

Plasmodium Cycle

1. Pre-erythrocytic (liver)
2. Exo-erythrocytic (liver)
3. Erythrocytic (RBC)
4. Post erythrocytic (RBC)

# Treatment:

1. Drug of choice: Chloroquine+primaquine
2. Radical cure: Primaquine
3. Complicated case (Falciparu): ACT
(artimisinin based combination therapy)
4. Prophylaxis: Doxycycline+Mefloquine

# Complications:

A. Benign malaria:

Herpes labialis
Renal complications

B. Malignant malaria:

Cerebral malaria
Acute renal failure
Liver damage
Black water fever
Pulmonary oedema

# How is malaria prevented ?

• Wearing of full protective clothing
• Using of anti mosquito nets
• Use of Diethyltiluamid on exposed skin
• Environmental sanitation and
• Health education on Malaria prevention

# To know more on malaria topic watch this video

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