What Is Typhoid Fever.Treatment of Typhoid Fever


Typhoid fever,it is one of the major public health problems that affects developing countries.Typhoid is of two types: Salmonella typhi and paratyphi.Paratyphi is the most widespread type of food poisoning in the world. It has become the most significant health problem in countries where overpopulation, poor sanitary conditions and inadequate cooking facilities.

What is typhoid fever?

Typhoid fever is a type of bacterial disease, which is caused by salmonella typhi and paratyphi. It is communicable disease and also called Enteric Fever.

Typhoid Fever
Enteric Fever

Other names of Typhoid Fever:

The disease has been referred to by various names, often associated with symptoms, such as-

a. Gastric fever

b. Enteric fever

c. Abdominal typhus

d. Infantile remittant fever

e. Slow fever

f. Nervous fever

g. Pythogenic fever

h. Drain fever and Low fever

i. Salmonellosis

There are four main subtypes of typhoid fever: type 1, type 2, type 3 and type 4

Causes of typhoid fever:

Salmonella typhi

Major causetive agents:

a). Salmonella typhi and
b). Salmonella paratyphi

Typhoid fever causes gastroenteritis, which is an inflammation of the lining of the intestines. It generally initiates with diarrhoea. If no treatment is taken in time, the immune structure damages the bowel lining, leaving it susceptible to infection through other bacteria. This can lead to precarious haemorrhagic fever, septicaemia and gangrene

Symptoms of typhoid fever:

The signs of typhoid fever differ from person to person

a). Muscle ache and Headache

b). High grade fever (Step ladder pattern)

c). Nausea

d). Vomiting

e). Acute watery diarrhoea

f). Chills

g). Lack of appetite and weakness

h). Metallic taste

i). Soreness

j). Chest pain

k). Dizziness and drowsiness

l).Coated tongue 

Diagnosis of typhoid fever:

Typhoid is diagnosed by-

   B-Blood culture 1st wks

   A-Agglutination (widal test) 2nd wks

   S-Stool culture 3rd wks

   U-Urine culture 4th wks

Prevention of typhoid fever:

1. Drinking of boiled water

2. Maintainance of personal hygiene

3. Proper disposal of excreta(stool and urine)

4. Proper cooking practice

5. Health education on typhoid fever

6. Vaccination

Treatment for typhoid fever:

Antibiotics that are frequently administered to typhoid fever includes:

1.Ciprofloxacin choice of drug

2.Azithromycin for pregnant

3.Chloramphenicol  (old)                     

4. Ceftriazone injection

Drug of choice


Typhoid fever remains a major public health problem in the world, mainly in the underprivileged population from developing countries.Globally, the disease is expected to cause 220,000 deaths and 2 million illness per year, mostly in children and youngers.

# For more on Typhoid fever watch this video:

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